Japan Tiger Elephant Organization

We promote the conservation of nature for the future of all wildlife. By maintaining a rich natural heritage we support our healthy lifestyles as well.


Wild tigers are only found in Asia. As a symbol of strength, but with only 3,500 left in the wild, they have become the symbol of extinction. The tigers rely on rich habitats where they can move vast distances to find prey. Protecting the tiger means protecting the forests and in turn, protects our natural resources which support all human life.


The massive elephants represent the vast wilderness of Asia & Africa, shaping the ecosystems as keystone species. Powerfully pushing trees down, they are creating a beautiful mosaic of forests and grasslands and planting seeds in their droppings, as they move over vast distances. By saving the elephants, we can conserve the habitats where they live.

Iriomote Cats

Since its discovery in 1965, only 100 individuals are thought to be living as the top predators on Iriomote Island, the smallest area in the world where wild cats are found. Humans living in coexistence with nature and this cat for thousands of years is a testament to the harmonious way of life on the island. We hope to continue to support the sustainable way of life on the island.

News and Resources

BLOG: Japan, Ivory, & CITES SC78
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By Amy Zets Croke (EIA Senior Manager, Wildlife Campaigns) and Masayuki Sakamoto (JTEF Executive Director) Among many other important issues relevant to keeping elephants safe from international commercial trade, domestic ivory markets were on the agenda at the 78th meeting of the CITES Standing Committee (SC78). To protect elephants, countries endorsed and encouraged the closure of domestic ivory markets to…

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REPORTS: Opportunity for Action: Japan’s Legal Ivory Trade
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Japan’s Law (or Act) for the Conservation of Endangered Species (LCES or ACES) is currently undergoing a statutory review, the first since 2017. Now is the time to make amendments to effectively close the market for ivory. An assessment and drafting are underway and an amendment bill will be submitted to the National Diet in early 2026.Actions regarding the closure…

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BLOG: Tokyo’s Ivory Paradox: Promoting Trade While Promising Reform
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By Masayuki Sakamoto, Executive Director of the Japan Tiger and Elephant Fund and Amy Zets Croke, Senior Manager at the Environmental Investigation Agency In Japan, Tokyo’s elephant ivory trade policy approach is in the middle of a paradox. On one hand, Governor Yuriko Koike’s administration has promised reform of domestic trade controls in ivory to prevent illegal export. On the…

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REPORT: Submission of the briefing on TMG’s subsidies to ivory industry to the Governor
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On June 11, 2024, JTEF and Environmental Investigation Agency based in Washington D.C. submitted a briefing: “Tokyo Metropolitan Government Subsidies to Ivory Industry Stakeholders” to Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike (See the summary the briefing on EIA website). It revealed that Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s Bureau of Industrial and Labor Affairs has paid subsidies annually [yearly average of around 4 million JPY…

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