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BLOG: Council of Elders of the 32-member African Elephant Coalition (AEC) calls on Japan to close its ivory market
1024 988 Japan Tiger Elephant Organization

June 17, 2019: The African Elephant Coalition (AEC) comprising 32 African countries and the majority of African elephant range states (28) made a press release that AEC Council of Elders called on the government of Japan to close its ivory market, among the world’s largest, and support stronger protection of Africa’s elephants. “We’re calling on Japan to follow the example of China and close its domestic ivory market. We believe that doing so will strengthen Japan’s international conservation image ahead of the 2020 Olympics and Paralympics”, said Azizou El Hadj Issa, Chairman of the AEC’s Council of Elders, in his letters to Taro Kono, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yoshiaki Harada the Minister of Environment and Hiroshige Seko, the Minister…

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Join Our Fundraiser To Support Tiger, Elephant & Iriomote Cat Conservation!
989 985 Japan Tiger Elephant Organization

July 6(Sat) Doors open 5:30, Event Starts 6 PM Location:Beer Station Ebisu. 2 Flr (JR Ebisu Station, East Exit. Take the moving walkway 5 mins to Ebisu Garden Place) Cost:6,000 Yen (Including the 5,000 yen buffet and proceeds to benefit the NPO JTEF) Live Guest Performance: Angela Raga, a traditional Indian dance instructor and a Bollywood Dance Performer Enjoy the ‘Beer Station Ebisu’ as it has just been reopened after being renovated and you can enjoy the buffet and all you can drink menu, while getting to know other JTEF supporters. It is a really fun-filled evening! ★Great Raffle Prizes awarded to donors  (Prizes are Donations from JTEF Supporters) ★We will have sales of fundraising items such as Tshirts and Cloth Ecobags…

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BLOG: Annoyance sparking ivory dealers sneering at the “tightening” ivory whole tusk registration from July 1st
821 849 Japan Tiger Elephant Organization

June 7, 2019, Japan’s Ministry of the Environment (MoE) announced their “plan to tighten the examination on applications for ivory whole tusk registration”. Domestic ivory trade in Japan is controlled by the “Law for Conservation of Endangered Species” (LCES). The key of the controls is the regulation “prohibiting transferring or receiving ivory without registration”. However, the regulated “ivory” is limited to “tusks maintaining their whole shape”. Ivory cut pieces and products not maintaining the original silhouette like a crescent can be traded without registration. But, in other words, is it true ivory trade has been effectively regulated as long as whole tusks are concerned? That’s not true, also. Needless to say, some legal requirements for allowing registration are set…

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REPORTS: “Compelled to Close: Top 5 Reasons for Closing Japan’s Domestic Ivory Market
648 661 Japan Tiger Elephant Organization

May 31, 2019   TOKYO – Japan Tiger and Elephant Fund (JTEF) released its new report: “Compelled to Close: Top 5 Reasons for Closing Japan’s Domestic Ivory Market” before the opening 18th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (CoP18) to Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).   The closure of world’s domestic ivory markets including Japan will be discussed at CITES CoP18 meeting. The government of Japan is planning to end a campaign promoting ivory registration at the end of May and introduce a stricter regulation on ivory registration procedure from the beginning of July, intending to get the recognition of international community on maintaining its ivory market.   The new report…

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PRESS RELEASE: New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio asks Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike to support a ban on Japan’s ivory trade
913 892 Japan Tiger Elephant Organization

May 17, 2019 WASHINGTON—As athletes and organizers prepare for the 2020 Summer Games in Tokyo, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is asking Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike to support efforts to end the ivory trade in Japan, the largest ivory market in the world. Mayor de Blasio is among a growing group of world leaders and elected officials urging Japan to ban all ivory sales to combat the illegal ivory trade in advance of the 2020 Summer Games. In a letter sent to Governor Koike last week, Mayor de Blasio wrote: “Sustainability is a key theme of next year’s games as reflected in the guiding principle: ‘Be better together – for the planet and the people.’….With millions of people…

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BLOG: KEEN + JTEF Us 4 Iriomote
647 627 Japan Tiger Elephant Organization

April 12, 2019  Aoyama, Tokyo A well-known footwear company, KEEN held a media event to launch their “Us 4 Iriomote” campaign in 2019 to help conserve the natural/cultural environment in Iriomote island. The initiative includes funding some non-governmental organizations working on the ground, producing a movie featuring the people’s life in Iriomote island throughout four seasons, promoting 4 actions that people can do to help support the future of the natural wilderness of Iriomote. 1 Get to know the nature & culture of Iriomote. 2 Take action to protect the nature of Iriomote. 3 Have dialogue about and envision the future of nature. 4 To Continue to maintain its beauty for the next generation. This Keen CSR project will help…

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REPORTS: What is the “holistic approach” to address increasing tourism/visitors pressure in Iriomote Island?
1024 1020 Japan Tiger Elephant Organization

November 30, 2017 – Tokyo On 17 October, 2017, the IUCN experts arrived in Iriomote Island to conduct an on-the-spot review on the nomination of Iriomote Island for inscription in the World Heritage List. On 19 October, the Government of Japan hosted a meeting between IUCN experts and local stakeholders of Iriomote Island as a part of the on-site review by IUCN. At the meeting, the experts then noted their comments as tentative evaluations, including the outcome of the on-the-spot review. The most important points of their comments are as follows; Firstly, in the context of inscription on the World Heritage List the most outstanding issue for Iriomote Island is the potential for adverse effects from tourism/visitors pressure on the…

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REPORTS: “How ivory traders are capitalising on the failures in policy and governance, and corruption within institutions-”
792 834 Japan Tiger Elephant Organization

November 17, 2017 Tokyo-based Japan Tiger and Elephant Fund published today a report titled: “Why Should the Japanese Domestic Ivory Market Be Closed? -How ivory traders are capitalising on the failures in policy and governance, and corruption within institutions-” (194 pages total). PRESS RELEASE This report illustrates all aspects of Japan’s ivory trade through all information about the market available and comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of Japan’s ivory trade controls. It is comprised of 8 chapters as follows;  SUMMARY of the REPORT Chapter 1: Application of the CITES Resolution on closure of domestic ivory market to Japan Chapter 2: Online Trade of Ivory in Japan Chapter 3: Import/export of ivory between Japan and the other countries including China, and regulation on Import/export in Japan…

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