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REPORTS: Submit JTEF report to the IUCN experts mandated to evaluate the proposed World Natural Heritage Site for sound conservation of Iriomote cat
788 711 Japan Tiger Elephant Organization

September 30, 2017 – Tokyo The objective of this report is to provide information and comment with regard to the nomination of Iriomote Island for inscription on the World Heritage List from the aspect of conservation of critically endangered Iriomote cat (Prionailurus bengalensis iriomotensis), which are considered to be taken into account at the verification of the “Nomination of Amami-Oshima Island, Tokunoshima Island, the northern part of Okinawa Island, and Iriomote Island for inscription on the World Heritage List” by International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) on behalf of the World Heritage Committee. JTEF has no objection to recognize an Outstanding Universal Value (“OUV” hereinafter) of the entire natural property in Iriomote Island, in particular, the sole wild habitat…

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REPORT: ‘What Lies Beneath’ Exposing the loopholes within Japan’s control of internal ivory trade
654 622 Japan Tiger Elephant Organization

This report, ‘What Lies Beneath’, Exposing the loopholes within Japan’s control of internal ivory trade, brings out the flaws within the Japanese Law for Conservation of Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora(LCES), its associated databases and, how smuggling syndicates have exploited it to get away from being penalized. Through a case of illegally trading of Ivory by one renowned Ivory manufacturing dealer, the report captures the intrinsic danger that such a weak law will bring in at a time of rampant illegal trade of Ivory. This report was prepared through an extensive survey and data collection process from the various ministries in Japan and also through several court hearings on the Takaichi case.

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