BLOG: Japan, Ivory, & CITES SC78

533 518 Japan Tiger Elephant Organization

Regarding the important decisions directing Parties with legal domestic ivory markets to report on measures taken to ensure they are not contributing to poaching or illegal trade, the Standing Committee agreed to renew them. The CITES Secretariat had recommended that the Standing Committee delete these decisions; however, Kenya made a strong case against doing so, underscoring how the implementation of these decisions reinforces the international ban on commercial ivory trade and proposed that the decisions be renewed at CoP20. Kenya’s proposal received strong support on the floor from Senegal, Benin, Niger, Sudan, the United Kingdom, and Israel. We are pleased that the Parties will continue to support the implementation of Res. Conf. 10.10 (CoP19) by continuing the reporting requirement.

Check out for more information about Japan’s ivory trade.

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