

BLOG: Annoyance sparking ivory dealers sneering at the “tightening” ivory whole tusk registration from July 1st
821 849 Japan Tiger Elephant Organization

June 7, 2019, Japan’s Ministry of the Environment (MoE) announced their “plan to tighten the examination on applications for ivory whole tusk registration”. Domestic ivory trade in Japan is controlled by the “Law for Conservation of Endangered Species” (LCES). The key of the controls is the regulation “prohibiting transferring or receiving ivory without registration”. However, the regulated “ivory” is limited to “tusks maintaining their whole shape”. Ivory cut pieces and products not maintaining the original silhouette like a crescent can be traded without registration. But, in other words, is it true ivory trade has been effectively regulated as long as whole tusks are concerned? That’s not true, also. Needless to say, some legal requirements for allowing registration are set…

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BLOG: KEEN + JTEF Us 4 Iriomote
647 627 Japan Tiger Elephant Organization

April 12, 2019  Aoyama, Tokyo A well-known footwear company, KEEN held a media event to launch their “Us 4 Iriomote” campaign in 2019 to help conserve the natural/cultural environment in Iriomote island. The initiative includes funding some non-governmental organizations working on the ground, producing a movie featuring the people’s life in Iriomote island throughout four seasons, promoting 4 actions that people can do to help support the future of the natural wilderness of Iriomote. 1 Get to know the nature & culture of Iriomote. 2 Take action to protect the nature of Iriomote. 3 Have dialogue about and envision the future of nature. 4 To Continue to maintain its beauty for the next generation. This Keen CSR project will help…

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