REPORTS: Submit JTEF report to the IUCN experts mandated to evaluate the proposed World Natural Heritage Site for sound conservation of Iriomote cat
https://www.jtef.jp/en/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/IUCN-yamaneko-1.jpg 788 711 Japan Tiger Elephant Organization Japan Tiger Elephant Organization https://www.jtef.jp/en/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/IUCN-yamaneko-1.jpgSeptember 30, 2017 – Tokyo
The objective of this report is to provide information and comment with regard to the nomination of Iriomote Island for inscription on the World Heritage List from the aspect of conservation of critically endangered Iriomote cat (Prionailurus bengalensis iriomotensis), which are considered to be taken into account at the verification of the “Nomination of Amami-Oshima Island, Tokunoshima Island, the northern part of Okinawa Island, and Iriomote Island for inscription on the World Heritage List” by International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) on behalf of the World Heritage Committee.
JTEF has no objection to recognize an Outstanding Universal Value (“OUV” hereinafter) of the entire natural property in Iriomote Island, in particular, the sole wild habitat of Iriomote Cat which is significantly smaller than other island habitat of kin cat species.
However, based on the proposal presented by the Nomination prepared by the Government of
Japan, there is considerable doubt, specifically in terms of the integrity of the nominated property, on Iriomote Island. This document outlines the justification that the area of the nominated property should be expanded in order to ensure the comprehensive preservation of its biodiversity values ensuring the integrity of the habitat of Iriomote cat in particular.
It should be further pointed out that the Management Plan for the properties in Iriomote Island is seriously insufficient. In particular, the management concept of the nominated property and the buffer zone is too open to tourism to prevent the OUV of the entire natural property from suffering adverse effects in the near future. Thus, the Management Plan for Iriomote Island should be significantly improved.
Thus, this report: `Statement on the Nomination of Iriomote Island for inscription on the World Heritage List from the aspect of conservation of Iriomote cat” will, firstly, present the reason and recommendation on necessity of expansion of the area of the nominated property in order to satisfy the conditions of integrity, and, secondly, the reason and recommendation on necessity of improving the Management Plan.
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